Carpenter's Shelter

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Palanca Pocket Planners make great Agape
NEW Apron Designs

Fundraising using Palanca and Agape for Cursillo


Palanca Gifts Mission Statement:
The goal of Palanca Gifts is to provide new, creative, and affordable choices for those of us in the Christian renewal community who want to support others on their weekends. Palanca Gifts was created in love and faith that many will be touched by the message of the designs. Please help us to pass it on, and tell others about Palanca Gifts. Ultreya! Carolyn Staut


Palanca Gifts is a SacredImages Website:
Palanca Gifts is another venture of it's sister site They are both creative outlets for Carolyn Staut and her original photography and graphic art.


Sacred Images was formed in 2002 as a creative expression of the artistic gifts God has given Carolyn. Starting as a hobby, photography soon became a passion for Carolyn. After several years of sharing her work with only family and friends, she listened to their urgings to see if there was a larger interest in her photographs. Thus, Sacred Images was born! Over the years, Carolyn has grown professionally as a free-lance photographer. Her works are displayed in public buildings, restaurants, and stores throughout Texas.

Palanca Gifts-

Originally, another spiritual outlet for her creativity, Carolyn started using her photographs as a basis for renewal themed stationery and gifts. De Colores! The colors of the rainbow in these designs reflect her intense joy in being a Child of God. A Cursillista since 1978, she wanted to share her designs with the Christian renewal community. Palanca, for Carolyn, means gifts of love, service, sacrifice, and prayer. In keeping with her faith based beliefs, it seemed only natural that Palanca Gifts would be an instrument of action through service to support the outreach work of the church in her community called, Compassionate Living.


If you would like more information on SacredIMages or Palanca Gifts, please feel free to email


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DeColores Magnetic Bookmarks

8 New Designs! Magnetic Page Clippers

Please Enjoy our Palanca to you!
De Colores!

De Colores! Enjoy our Palanca to you! Palanca Gifts:
-The Movie!-

Palanca Gifts
P.O. Box 1684
Alexandria, Virginia
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